Long Overdo
Well... it's been a while. Between work, new houses, updating old houses, upcoming baby arrivals and life in general... we haven't have much time to post. As is often the case in life, when one part of your life is thriving, other parts are suffering. And, for now, I am focusing on family and friends and work. So, the blog has been neglected. I know for many of Mama H's friends, they like to read and see how she is doing and what she has been upto. Well, I am pleased to say that she is doing well and that we were able to visit with her and Dad a few weeks ago. We laughed a lot, drank wine (not mama H or T but the rest of us) and leaving was... difficult... as always. I always have to wipe away a tear as we drive off, even though I know it is not goodbye, but see you later. Here are a few pictures of some pictures of our trip.

As you can see, we were not only able to make a trip to the Jersey Shore, but we also made it into the big city with Mama H. Though she couldn't go to lunch or into stores, she and I walked for blocks and blocks and blocks. She loves New York, but since arriving in August, has only been able to look at the skyline from the apartment. She finally got to go in and it was wonderful. It was an absolutely lovely day; one I will remember forever.
We hope that my parents will be home for a few days to visit soon, which would make me so happy. Until then, T's bump is growing day by day and we are all anxiously awaiting Baby's arrival. Have a great rest of the week.
With Love,
I am sure that you all take comfort in the fact that mama H is in the best possible hands she could be there in NJ. This time apart is a scrifice for the whole family, but one that is necessary. I am always in awe of how much enrgy she has to be active and how positive she is. It will be a big celebration when she comes home! Chania