Good afternoon everyone and happy weekend. We have been quite busy while away, so we never did a Christmas post, but we hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and spending it surrounded by loved ones. We have been in the US visiting my parents and, even though it hasn't been particularly 'relaxing', we are having a great time and are so happy to be together. Unfortunately, Gram caught pneumonia before our departure and was unable to come. We are extremely sad that she wasn't able to be with us, but we will celebrate when she is better. Mama H is doing really well, and we have been able to spend more time with her than we thought we would be able to. So, here are some pictures to show what we've been upto in the past week.
7 month baby bump. It's growin', movin' & shakin'! |
We have been spending time just being together. So, I am going to go and do just that. We will be back with another post soon. But, until then, enjoy the Holidays because they will be gone before you know it, and another year will be upon us. So eat, drink and be merry. Until next time!
With Love,