As was sung by Bob Dylan in his famous song Hurricane "Here Comes the Story of the Hurricane". So here it goes... Being the good daughters we are (most of the time :)) T, K & I piled into the car last Friday Jersey bound. Our plan was to surprise my parents, and spend some time with them for a few days. Little did we know (or we did know and didn't think it would be as bad as they were saying) there was a hurricane barrelling its way towards Jersey. We arrived in good time and were extremely excited to see our parents and their faces when they saw us. Well to say my mother's reaction did not disappoint would be an understatement. She was so happy to see her three girls and we were so happy to see her. Needless to say, there were a few tears.
After spending the weekend together, K went back with her fiancee, who had been in Jersey for a work training event, and T and I stayed behind. Our intention was to stay until Tuesday, Mom's birthday, and head back so I could be back at work by Wednesday. Since Mama H had some appointments at the hospital, T and I spent most of Monday driving around, shopping and getting groceries. We had seen on the news that the storm would be there by evening, so we wanted to make sure we would have everything in case we couldn't go out. Spoiler alert: we ended up throwing out over $100 worth of groceries over the next couple of days. While driving back to the apartment in the afternoon, we knew things were getting serious when absolutely no one else was out driving or at the stores. Our car was swaying in the wind and we knew it would be safer for us in the apartment... and it was. T and I thought that the American news channels may have been exaggeration the magnitude of Hurricane Sandy, as they sometimes do... But Sandy managed to exceed all expectations. We all sat, T, Mom, Dad and I, while the wind blew roofs off nearby buildings, ripped trees out of the ground, dragged bricks off buildings and caused the night sky to light up like a Christmas tree from all the transformer explosions. We woke up to this the next day.
We hardly slept last night listening to the violent winds, pounding rain and continuous sirens. It makes me think, once again, of that famous Bob Dylan song:
"One of us had better call up the cops"
And so Patty calls the cops
And they arrive on the scene with their red lights flashing
In the hot New Jersey night.
Now, I know Hurricane isn't about an actual Hurricane... but it felt oh so appropriate. Well, T and I didn't get to leave on Tuesday, mainly because we only had a quarter tank left in the car and you couldn't get gas ANYWHERE. But, as always, we made the best of it as a family. We listened to the radio, ordered pizza (when it wasn't sold out... yes sold out) and even had a sing along. It's funny how things happen and tragedies tend to bring people closer together. We even made it out to celebrate Mama H's 60th birthday... which turned out to be an evening that included a long drive, a bar fight and friendly's (story for another time)

Though Hackensack didn't see the devastation that the other parts of New Jersey and New York saw, people did lose their houses to trees, cars to wind and even family members and my heart goes out to those people. None of us were hurt, and T and I made it home safely... in my father's car. He is still in Jersey with my Mom, who is currently undergoing stem cell transplant and though he has power, still cannot get gas (unless, of course, he wants to wait 4 hours to fill up). So, again, we have to count our blessings; be thankful that our situation wasn't as bad as it could have been.
The car line goes for miles. Estimated wait time: 4 hours |
We are home safe and sound and T even had her 5 month ultrasound on Monday. We miss our parents dearly though, and can't wait to be with them again. Well, that's all for now, but hopefully.. my LB sisters will do a post soon about what they have been up to. Please send your prayers to the people who were affected by Hurricane Sandy or donate by visiting the Red Cross site here or by texting Red Cross to 90999 (a $10 donation will be added to your monthly cell phone bill)