After my run, I jumped in the shower and got ready for Friday night family dinner. Our family meets at the same restaurant every Friday night and it is such a nice tradition. I just love it. We had a great time and the pizza was delicious. After dinner my best friend L, who was in from out of town, stopped by to have a glass of wine with E and I. She had a packed weekend, as did I, so I knew our visit would be short and sweet. I always love to see her though so I was happy that she could squeeze me in.
Saturday we met for our weekly brunch with our grandparents and then went and did a bit of shopping. I was hoping to find something for the engagement party I had that evening, but since all the holiday party dresses were out, I found everything too sparkly or Christmasy (I know that’s not a word, but oh well). I got a couple cute sweaters though, which always come in handy this time of year. After that I went home to ‘relax’ and get ready for the two parties I had that night. One of my best friend’s brothers got engaged and came in from New York with his new fiancĂ©e for an engagement party. It was a lovely party with amazing smelling food.
I say smelling because I could only stay for a short period before running off to T’s birthday dinner. She had her dinner at a Sushi restaurant that we were trying for the first time. T & I don’t eat sushi, but really enjoyed the meals we had and it was an overall great time. We laughed a lot, as usual.
Sunday I got to take the morning to myself to relax a little and do some laundry. In the afternoon, I went to get some groceries for E since he was making both a meat and vegetarian lasagna for his brothers birthday dinner that night. His brother shares a birthday with T and they both chose to do their family birthdays on Sunday night. We zipped around and got everything he needed. I wrapped presents while he cooked, and then we headed out the door to our separate parties. We had an amazing time at my mom’s for T’s birthday. She always makes it so nice; especially for our birthdays. We had delicious chicken fajitas(sorry K… you’re going to be all chickened out!) with salads and a big chocolate birthday cake MADE COMPLETELY FROM SCRATCH with ice cream for dessert. We had such a nice time and I hope T enjoyed her birthday :).
After our dinner, I went off to E’s brothers just in time to enjoy a glass of wine and see the babies. They are too cute and I can’t help but smile when I’m around them.
Needless to say, I fell asleep last night as soon as my head hit the pillow. Despite the exhaustion I am feeling this morning, I am lucky to have such good friends and family to spend my weekends with and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. It was a great weekend full of celebrations and I am happy I got to make it to everything. Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too!
Have a great week everyone! Next weekend I'll be recovering!
With love,
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